What you will find here is not just about my day to day existence adrift. If that were the case, even I wouldn't read it. Of course I love music, and photography, so you'll probably find a lot here. I really don't know why I'm writing this blog to be honest... anyway here's a cross-country trek into my life, my thoughts and some, mayhaps unreliable, memoirs of a misplaced soul on its way to....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Music Scene in Sierra Leone

MUSIC - Da Tumba Dae by Succulent
Well I spent the weekend home alone listening, and dancing(?) to African music. Henry, an old friend in Sierra Leone now living in Bermuda, provided me with two CDs of Salone musicians, Emmerson and Succulent and they got most of the air time. For news about Sierra Leone musicians and entertainment click Emmerson's photo below to see what's going on. (Or CLICK HERE)

Pictured Is Emmerson Amidu Bockarie. His second album, "Tu Fut Arata" will be launched Feb 23 at the National Stadium in Sierra Leone. Wish I could be there.

VIDEO: "Borbor Bele" by EMMERSON.

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