What you will find here is not just about my day to day existence adrift. If that were the case, even I wouldn't read it. Of course I love music, and photography, so you'll probably find a lot here. I really don't know why I'm writing this blog to be honest... anyway here's a cross-country trek into my life, my thoughts and some, mayhaps unreliable, memoirs of a misplaced soul on its way to....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Expat. Sent Packing For Dissing Bermuda M.P

Is it possible that disrespect is grounds for revoking work permits?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me in Bermuda. This is such a wealthy country with such a third world mentality. It is apparent that in this beautiful country, total tyranny is just around the corner. Speak out - get kicked out. Speak out - mortgage called in. Speak out - reminded that you are less than "Ber"humian" and are unworthy of an opinion or respect. Personally, I am putting on my "To Do" list, to run down to Pulp and Circustance, invest in a high quality diary, and start looking for an attic to hide in. Is it just me, or wasn't this the environment that Ann Frank lived in?


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